Virtual reference service via chat: a comparative analysis of software for chat solutions
Information and Technology, Design Information, Virtual Reference Service (VRS), Complexity.Abstract
Introduction: In the early 2000s, ICT allowed university libraries to offer Virtual Reference Service, reference service mediated by software to enable interaction via chat between the librarian and the people in search for information in library collections or services.Objective: The objective of the research that grounds this article was to compare the software used by several institutions to provide Virtual Reference Service.
Metodology: The methodology for evaluation and theoretical construction that supported this article consisted of a study on the theoretical contribution produced nationally and internationally on the subject, in addition to an exploratory research conducted on digital environments to assess the design of the chat software, as well as participant observation.
Results: The results show and compare the features and characteristics of the analyzed software.
Conclusion: The results of this study point to contextual decisions from the institution and the information professionals, according to the needs and profiles of the subjects who interact with the digital environment, outlined by unique parameters in each institution.
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