Semantic web and ontologies: a study on construction of axioms and use of inferences
Semantic Web, Linked Data, Inferences, Ontologies, SparqlAbstract
Introduction: The Semantic Web provides technologies and concepts that go through by issues such as description, representation and queries of data. In this scenario, ontologies contextualize the information, allowing generation of inferences. The OWL language has features that facilitate the inclusion of logic in the data, it is an essential element for the Semantic Web and Linked Data. However, the question is: how these inferences can be viewed and used in the Semantic Web. Objective: To analyze the inference types in the context of Semantic Web technologies, and consequently to the Linked Data. Methodology: It consisted in two parts, the first a literature review for discussion of the topic, and the second an exploratory study based on concepts proof and inferences testing. Results: We identify and present four embodiments of inferences, making tests to prove their application. Conclusions: The use of inferences in ontologies can occur in many ways and there is a variation in the expression that the types of inferences have. We found that inferences can add logic to the representations of the data, since the contextualization of information using ontologies contains axioms, increasing the representational capacity of information when using inferences. Noteworthy is the OWL language as a reference for enrichment and integration of axioms in the construction of ontologies.
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