Business intelligence and its epistemological condition in Information Science
Business intelligence, Information science, EpistemologyAbstract
Introduction: Business Intelligence (BI) is a term frequently used in quite different worlds and, thus, inaccurate in relation to its definition and its epistemological boundaries. Information science traditionally investigated the information behavior and the information properties, the forces that control the flow of information, and the meanings of information processing aiming at accessibility and optimal usability. In this sense, one wonders if Information Science is supported epistemologically to contribute to the development of the Business Intelligence approaches. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the epistemological foundations that allow dealing with Business Intelligence in the field of Information Science. Methodology: The exploratory study seeks to extend the understanding of the topic through a conceptual review of origins, epistemology and scope of Information Science and the interconnections with Business Intelligence. Results: The result identifies the potential of Information Science regarding Business Intelligence through its paradigms and knowledge study models. Conclusions: The cognitive paradigm – its study model, researchers and theories of information – is presented as the most specifically suitable for the epistemological support of Business Intelligence in the field of Information Science.Downloads
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