Methodology for Qualitative Content Analysis with the technique of Mind Maps using Nvivo and FreeMind softwares
Research Methods, Content Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, User Studies, Computer Programs.Abstract
Introduction: In a survey it is not enough choosing tools, resources and procedures. It is important to understand the method beyond the technics and their relationship with philosophy, epistemology and methodology.Objective: To discuss theoretical and methodological concerns on Qualitative Research in Information Science and the process of Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) at User Studies field and to show a followed path of QCA integrated with Mind Maps technic for developing categories and indicators, by using Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS) and Mind Maps designing tools.
Methodology: The research was descriptive, methodological, bibliographical and fieldwork conducted with open interviews that were processed using the QCA method with the support of QDAS Nvivo and FreeMind Software for Mind Map design.
Results: It is shown the theory of qualitative research and QCA and a methodological path of QCA by using techniques and software mentioned above.
Conclusions: When it comes to qualitative researches, the theoretical framework suggests the need of more dialogue among Information Science and other disciplines. The process of QCA evidenced: a viable path that might help further related investigations using the QDAS; the contribution of Mind Maps and their design softwares to develop the indicators and categories of QCA.
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