User-centered design: web projects for micro and small enterprises in South America




Micro and Small businesses, Information technology, User-centered design


Introduction: The techniques and methodologies of web development change and evolve over time, from dynamic concepts to collaborative concepts are part of the variety of new trends in web development; small business sectors must adapt to new information technologies to improve and support their strategies. Objectives: the objective of this work is to delineate a user-centered design method in web projects aimed at micro and small businesses, focusing on concepts of usability and information architecture, without forgetting the characteristics of small companies and its situation in the South America region. Methodology: the methodology used for the development of this work is based on a bibliographic and documentary review. Results: the user-centered design can be adopted in web development as strategic support in micro and small businesses in South America. Conclusions: the new information technologies have many deficiencies of application in South American in companies and are accompanied by public policies with little objective serious structural deficiencies in the underdeveloped countries of this region, which causes that web development techniques are not well used by people and by micro and small businesses.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Angel Delgado Aranda, Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR

Master in Information Management from the Universidade Federal do Paraná-UFPR.

José Simão de Paula Pinto, Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR

Doctor in Medicine from the Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR. Professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR.


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How to Cite

Aranda, M. A. D., & Pinto, J. S. de P. (2018). User-centered design: web projects for micro and small enterprises in South America. Informação & Informação, 23(1), 150–171.


