Information searching behavoir of graduate students: contribution for scientific Research in Eduardo Mondlane University of Mozambque
Information Behavior, Students, Information NeedsAbstract
Introduction: This research presents the results of dissertation of master in Information Science, approaching about information behavior, one of the recurring theme in the field, especially with the advent of what is called information society.
Objective: It sought to identify and to analyze the main channels used by undergraduate students of Eduardo Mondlane University of Mozambique (UEM), including the factors that influence the searching and evaluation of information to satisfy needs related to scientific research.
Methodology: The study was regarded as descriptive and the procedure of data collecting was through the questionnaire to undergraduate students who has participated in the program of users’ education of Central Library of UEM. Results: The results demonstrate that students do not adopt systematic and accurate information search strategies, opting to impulsive actions that do not follow a clear plan.
Conclusions: Despite the discourse on the changing role of technology, students use the traditional library as the main resource of information.Downloads
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