Scientific knowledge and informational the multimodality
Information, Information as Thing, Knowledge, Science, MultimodalityAbstract
Introduction: In the scientific context, information can only be considered objective and scientific if they are within per-established norms and rules, ie the information recorded - theories and research results - which can be put to test, and refuted or not. Objective: To analyze the multimodal information in the context of scientific knowledge with the theory of the three worlds of Popper. Methodology: And the starting point is a literature search. At first, the definition of what is and information like thing. In the second phase, we will stick to the context of multimodal information, passing the third time in three worlds theory of Popper and in particular the third world or world 3. Result: In the third phase the considerations in defense of information recorded to be part of the structure of the scientific context where information is regarded as something multimodal physical and tangible to be the world's first and the world 3 Popper. Conclusion: In this analysis we can infer that the multimodal information is part of the scientific context and is structured as a thing part of the third world of Popper.
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