Self writing as a cultural mediation practice: records of memory and identity on quinteto da Paraíba social
Self writing, Cultural mediation, Communication devices, Memory and IdentityAbstract
Introduction: It is a fragment of the research that had as object of study the documentary items arising from the musical production of Quinteto da Paraiba.
Objective: This research aimed to analyze how the self-writing favors the cultural mediation of the identity and memorialistic aspects representative of the Quinteto da Paraíba from the traces available in communication devices of the social web.
Methodology: It is configured as documentary research of a qualitative nature and is based on the conceptual aspects of self-writing, of the cultural Mediation, of Memory and Identity, since in this research it is understood the self-writing as a selective practice of the selfproduction and the material objects that constitute the memory of its producer.
Results: The data collected analyzed information on the musical practices of Quinteto da Paraíba published on the Group's website and on its social media, such as Facebook and Instagram.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the social media of Quinteto da Paraíba are configured as devices that register practices of self-writing in the contemporary and cultural mediation of the Group when presenting its memorialistic and identity traces. Such devices translate the musical production of the Quinteto da Paraíba in real time, increase the possibilities of disseminating the concert schedule, register significant facts for the constitution of the Group's memory, therefore, its self-image, which is aligned with the identity traits of Northeast Brazil.
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