Works collection stimulation project of rare TRF library 2nd region
The Organization's Promotion of Design and Technical Treatment of the Rare Books Collection TRF 2nd Region Library, Rare Book, Law Library, Organization of KnowledgeAbstract
Introduction: A library needs to keep a space with relevant works for the improvement of knowledge, which will be organized and preserved for posterity through a specific and effective conservation criteria methodology. This is the intention of the Organization Streamlining Project and Technical Treatment of Rare Books Collection Library Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region (TRF2).Objective: To focus the importance of maintaining the Rare Books Collection TRF2 from procedures required by the Project.
Methodology: Descriptive and bibliographic study based on bibliographic research to theoretical basis in searches on the Internet of the Judiciary libraries that hold collections of rare books and study and analysis of the Project.
Results: Cultural heritage profile of the rare book is in the author's action as an agent of history and memory. Most of the judicial branch libraries have collections of rare books, which reinforces the implementation of the Project.
Conclusions: The Project enabled the development of guiding criteria bibliographic rarity, the establishment of an appropriate cataloging policy to the description of rare books and placed the need to maintain a space for the perpetuation of the Law of memory by legal production represented in Rare Books collection.
BRASIL. Conselho da Justiça Federal. A estratégia da Justiça Federal: 2015/2020. Brasília: CJF, 2014. Anexo da Resolução CJF nª 313/2014.
KAKUMORI, Bianca Adami Togo. Catalogação de obras raras: um estudo de caso. 52 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Biblioteconomia)- Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Universidade de Brasília, 2014.
RODRIGUES, Márcia Carvalho. Obras raras: catalogação. Blog Obras Raras, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2015.
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