Management of water resources: Environmental perception and participatory management from the perspective of members of the River Basin Committee of the Middle Paraíba do Sul




Ecosystem Services, Environmental Pressure, National Water Resources Policy


River basin committees are presented as an alternative that prioritizes decision-making about the management of water resources based on discussion and integration between public authorities, users and organized civil society, allowing different values ​​and interests to be added to decision-making processes. The aim of this work, through the application of questionnaires, was to capture the perception of the members of the Middle Paraíba do Sul Basin Committee on the main problems associated with water management and their dimensions of ecological and social value, in the hydrographic region of the Middle Paraíba do Sul/RJ. The results indicate a consensus in the interviewees' perception of the importance of environmental education, integration, decentralization and social participation in water management, as well as the perception of water resource problems in the region. It is concluded that the CBH-MPS is in an advanced stage of development and implementation of the PNRH, mainly in the exercise of participation. However, it still needs to overcome the limitations in the effectiveness of this participation and in the scope of the decisions taken in plenary, limitations that depend not only on the committee's performance, but on the integration and cooperation between the other instances of the water resources management system, at the state and federal levels.


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Author Biographies

Camila Riquete Coelho, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Mestre em Tecnologia Ambiental pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Roberta Fernanda da Paz de Souza Paiva, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela UNICAMP – Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Professora Associada da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Welington Kiffer de Freitas, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doutorado em Ciências Ambientais e Florestais, pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).


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How to Cite

Coelho, C. R., Paiva, R. F. da P. de S., & Freitas, W. K. de. (2023). Management of water resources: Environmental perception and participatory management from the perspective of members of the River Basin Committee of the Middle Paraíba do Sul. Geografia (Londrina), 33(1), 145–165.


