The Peasant way of life in capitalism
Campesinato; Modo de vida; Terra; Família; Trabalho.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss the peasant way of life through the analysis of their social practices and the values that outlined the way of life of this social class. For this, a debate was held on the subject based on the survey of the main theoretical notes about this important traditional way of life. Important not only for the peasants themselves or for those who study them, but for society as a whole, since the contradictory recreation of the peasant class by the dynamics of capitalism directly interferes with the way in which its members reproduce their lives, their practices and their values. In addition, peasant territoriality, based on land, family and work, is, at the same time, the mark and differentiation of the way of life of this class in relation to the others existing within the hegemonic mode of production.
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