Being and Doing of the Teacher: the epistemology of Geography teachers’ practice




Geography teaching, Epistemology of practice, Teacher education.


This article aims to discuss the epistemology of geography teachers’ practice in order to analyze the epistemological lines of Geography and Education that characterize the being and doing of the teacher. To that end, the research methods carried out were a literature review and a field research through simple observation of classes of geography teachers in a public school and classes of geography undergraduate students of a federal university in mandatory teaching practice in a town in Rio Grande do Sul. Both groups showed dissimilarities; namely, the undergraduate students draw on a wide range of teaching resources, and the teachers aim to their students’ comprehensive development, not focusing their classes only on geographical content. Regarding the similarities, both groups lacked dialogicity in their teaching, and showed an epistemological contradiction of both Geography and Education in their work. Nevertheless, empiricism prevailed in the epistemology of the practice of teachers and academics, contributing to the reproduction of geography teaching with limited significance to students, revealing the need of rethinking geography teaching degrees not only regarding their methodology, but specially their epistemology.

Author Biography

Victória Sabbado Menezes, UNESPAR, União da Vitória campus

Doctorate in Geography from UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). Professor at UNESPAR (State University of Paraná, União da Vitória campus).


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How to Cite

Menezes, V. S. (2022). Being and Doing of the Teacher: the epistemology of Geography teachers’ practice. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 31(1), 319–337.


