Strategies of Teaching on Soils under the View of Pedagogical Trends
Geography teaching, Pedagogical trends, Soils.Abstract
Soil is an essential resource for the functioning of ecosystems, even if it is not properly scored in school education. In this way, the present study sought to develop the discussion on soil teaching through educational perspectives driven by pedagogical trends: traditional liberal and progressive renewed liberal. Thus, the objective was to verify which method would be more efficient to teach in soil with students of the 6th year of a municipal school in Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul. of them, the work was carried out through the progressive progressive pedagogical tendency (defined as the work group), and the other under the traditional liberal perspective (defined as the control group). In the first, the experiment library was used to demonstrate the morphological concepts of the soil through the handling and application of the concepts of its morphology, emphasizing its consistency, while in the second, only the theoretical exposition of the contents was carried out. Finally, the two pedagogical tendencies proved to be satisfactory and efficient, however, in the class in which the progressive pedagogical approach was carried out, the students were more curious and interested in the contents.Downloads
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