River and Air Transportation in the Legal Amazon: a study of case in the Municipality of Eirunepé - Amazonas
Transportation, Legal Amazon, Flows.Abstract
In the geographical space, globalization presents itself with new features and new functionalities, inducing changes in territory and place. In this sense, taking as its starting point the use of the technique and the flow of money, this study aimed to understand the air and river flows in the municipality of Eirunepé, located southwest of the state of Amazonas. In this region of the legal Amazon, air and river transportation allows the connection of distant urban centers with the capital, besides allowing the flow of people and goods. Therefore, the methodology used in this research was a bibliographic study, primary and secondary data collection, direct and indirect observation, field research and semi-structured interviews. In sum, the results obtained showed that the Eirunepé population often uses both modes of transport; airfares are high due to non-competition; MAP airlines and Amazonaves arlines are the only companies offering air services in this microregion; Due to the lack of highways and the difficult access by waterways in the ebb, the only alternative of displacement is aerial.Downloads
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