Mapping of land use in the Permanent Protection Area of the Vermelho River (MT) and its effects on water quality


  • André Vinícius Valuz Souza Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Simoni Maria Loverde Oliveira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Gustavo Benedito Medeiros Alves Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso



Geotechnology, Riparian vegetation, Vermelho River.


This study aimed to map the land uses in the Permanent Protection Area of the Vermelho River and to analyze their effects on the water quality in the urban perimeter of Rondonópolis (State of Mato Grosso) (16º45’37,24’’S 54º68’04,66’’W). Quarterly samples were taken at two sites, in the dry and rainy seasons of 2014. Water analysis followed standard methods and in order to quantify and classify the different land uses, images from the Google EarthPro. Among the 22 variables indicating water quality, four presented mean values higher than the limits of CONAMA Resolution 357/2005 for class II rivers. In the rainy season, there were higher values of color, turbidity and total phosphorus, and in the dry season, there was an increase of fecal coliforms. Among the land uses in riparian vegetation, stand out the occurrence of riparian forest in 74% of the area (365 ha) and 26% of the total area (125.7 ha) has already been deforested for grazing, mining, among other uses. The expansion of urban areas associated with the practices on the banks in conflict with the APP directly influenced the physical, chemical and biological quality of the Vermelho River water.


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Author Biographies

André Vinícius Valuz Souza, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Master in Geography, Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT. Professor at the State School Professora Amélia de Oliveira Silva in the State of Mato Grosso.

Simoni Maria Loverde Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

PhD in Ecology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ. Associate Professor III of the Federal University of Mato Grosso and the Master's degree in Geography participating in research groups in Ecology and Fishery Resource Management.

Gustavo Benedito Medeiros Alves, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Master in Geography, Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT. Professor at the State School Ludovico Vieira de Camargo in the State of Mato Grosso.



How to Cite

Souza, A. V. V., Oliveira, S. M. L., & Alves, G. B. M. (2018). Mapping of land use in the Permanent Protection Area of the Vermelho River (MT) and its effects on water quality. Geografia (Londrina), 27(1), 67–82.


