Provocations about teaching foreign language literature at university




Contemporary Experience, Teaching Literature, Reading, Higher Education.


This paper presents a reflection on contemporary experience followed by a provocation, including an experience report, about teaching literature in higher education. Focusing on the foreign language literature course, attempts, strategies, problems, but not exactly solutions are shared here. The intention is to promote a discussion about the importance of reading and literary study, which are also students' rights, as well as the possibilities of promoting such study in a contemporary world that exposes all agents of this process to new and challenging interaction dynamics.



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Author Biography

Fabiana de Lacerda Vilaço, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS

Teacher of Literature at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS


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How to Cite

Vilaço, F. de L. (2018). Provocations about teaching foreign language literature at university. Estação Literária, 22, 35–48.