Resonances of the dangerousness in adolescents with reformatory experience: a case study
adolescence, reformatory experience, dangerousness, actings, psychoanalysisAbstract
This article aims to analyze the resonances of the dangerousness discourse in the trajectory of adolescents who had a reformatory experience. We used a case study of a teenager, based on the analysis of the medical records of care institutions he went through, as well as in-depth interviews conducted with him and the professionals who accompanied him. The data were analyzed from the theoretical perspective of psychoanalysis on adolescence and from the notion of dangerousness in Foucault's discourse. The institutional logic of care is focused on discipline, weakening its work with adolescents, and the univocal institutional view on adolescent action does not open space for new identifications, ratifying the stigma of dangerous and strengthening their social exclusion. We hope to contribute to the deconstruction of the essentialization of the dangerousness attributed to institutionalized and socially vulnerable adolescents, bringing new perspectives on the adolescent transition and the role of reformatory experience for this public.
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