Social competence of teachers according to students’ mothers and fathers




social skills, elementary school teachers, teacher student interaction


The family's participation in the children's educational routine can bring benefits to all subjects involved in this process and to school management. The study sought to understand the conceptions of mothers and fathers of elementary school students about the social competence of their children's teachers. Eight mothers and eight fathers participated, each half from public and private schools. A semi-structured interview was conducted individually with each participant. The collected data were analyzed using the IRAMUTEQ software. The results indicated similarities between the expectations of the two groups when demonstrating the expectation that the teachers 'behaviors are favorable to the students' interaction, promote their learning, offer support in their difficulties, and allow an adequate disciplinary correction. The differences were that the parents appeared to have a more distant view of the educational universe, leading them to present more concerned conceptions about the teachers’ behavior in relation to the mothers’ results.


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How to Cite

Soares, A. B., Brito, A. D., & Medeiros, H. C. P. (2021). Social competence of teachers according to students’ mothers and fathers. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 12(2), 03–22.



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