E. Husserl and C. G. Jung: from critique to founding a new psychology
phenomenology, analytical psychology, experience, phenomenological method, unconsciousAbstract
It is possible to find approximations between Edmund Husserl's phenomenological proposal (1859-1938) and some ideas from C. G Jung's Analytical Psychology (1875-1961), mainly regarding the criticism that both promoted in relation to scientific Psychology and the conception of a human Psychology. This study, following the procedure of theoretical-bibliographical qualitative research, had the objective of explaining and bringing together the two epistemological and methodological proposals, bringing the concepts and structuring of Phenomenology and Analytical Psychology, correlating the points of convergence in which they are equated and/or complementary. As a result, it was observed that Husserl and Jung elaborated another philosophical conception, reacting to positivist's materialism and naturalism; expanded the concept of experience (empiria); developed a method of investigation that considers pure subjectivity; and, finally, founded a new Psychology.
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