Meanings assigned to suicidal behavior by female adolescents
adolescents, women, behavior, suicideAbstract
The present article aimed to analyze the suicidal behavior of adolescents admitted to Basic Health Units (UBSs) in a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. According to the World Health Organization, the period of adolescence is increasingly vulnerable to this phenomenon, observing a gradual increase in the number of deaths by suicide in this period of development, which highlights the importance of investigating the theme. This qualitative research had the participation of thirteen female adolescents. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview and analyzed by Content Analysis. The results are presented in two categories: category I verifies the adolescents' perception of suicidal behavior, prevalent methods used in suicide attempts; Category II, moreover, presents meanings associated with the desire to die and risk and protection factors for this target audience.
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