Reading comprehension and morfological awareness in elementary school
Linguistic Ability, Metalinguistic ability, Basic education, Psychoeducational evaluation.Abstract
Reading comprehension and morphological awareness are skills that contribute to the teaching and learning process. The present study aimed to investigate the reading comprehension proficiency of 70 students (2nd to 5th grades) of a public school in São Paulo and verify the differences in performance and correlations between this skill and the morphological awareness. The instruments were two Cloze tests and the Morphological Consciousness Assessment Tasks. The results indicated an increase in reading comprehension and morphological awareness, with grade level progression. In the 2nd and 3rd grade the students obtained higher scores in the derivational morphological awareness and in the 4th and 5th grade in the flexional. There were statistically significant correlations between these abilities only in the 3rd and 5th grade. It is suggested continuity in the investigations about the role of morphological awareness for the development of reading comprehension.
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