Write and inscribe maternity through blogs
maternity, women, babies, blogs, psychoanalysisAbstract
To become a mother requires the elaboration of a subjective position in front of the child. The forms of coping with motherhood are singular and reveal different transformations in each era. From this perspective, the purpose of this paper is to discuss some current expressions of motherhood that are revealed in blogs. The study emphasizes the writing resource of women in these spaces, where they discuss their difficulties with the cares of babies, the overload that this new place of mother imposes when associated with professional roles, and the loneliness in facing new tasks. The material examined was taken from some blogs where exchanges revealed new meanings about the process of building motherhood. The analysis was made with the support of Winnicott's psychoanalysis. This procedure revealed that addressing different partners facilitated the process of elaborating the many difficulties faced by women with their babies and families.
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