Transexuality, medical order and health policy: the regulatory control of the transsexualizing process in Brazil
sex reassignment surgery, transgendered persons, gender identity, public policies, public healthAbstract
This study aimed to examine the historical trajectory of the official position of the Federal Medical Council (FMC) regarding medical procedures associated with the demands of the Transsexualizing Process (PrTr). As a specific objective, to discuss the implications of existing norms, which regulate medical interventions in the field of transgenitalization, in order to rethink the medical and other health professionals' training. The method used consists of the documentary analysis, based on the database of opinions, resolutions, technical notes, orders and recommendations of the FMC, focusing on official documents in the public domain, which deal with the positioning of this representative body of the medical profession in relation transgender surgery and prescription of hormone therapy for transgender people. Through this analysis, it was possible to trace, retrospectively, the evolution of this position and to identify which were the probable factors that triggered progressive changes of the official position assumed by the FMC in relation to the legality and the ethical aspects involved in these interventions.
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