Conceptions about death and the dying process among psychology students
estudantes, morte, atitude frente à morteAbstract
Throughout life and work as psychologist, the contact with death is always present, in any field of work. Thus, this paper’s goal is to analyze the conception about death and the dying process among fifth year students of a Psychology undergraduate course of a private university in the interior of the state of São Paulo. The study is about a field research with a qualitative approach and content analysis regarding the thematic modality was the technic used for the data treatment. Twenty-one fifth year students of a Psychology undergraduate course were interviewed. The conclusion was that students comprehend death and the dying process in a symbolic and concrete way. Besides that, they establish a relation between psychology and the thematic of death, regarding the importance of students and professionals to deal with their own grieving process to be genuinely in touch with others who are suffering for their losses.
Keywords: students; death; death attitude.
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