Validity evidence for the baptista developmental scale hospital-ambulatory version (EBADEP-HOSP-AMB)
Depressive symptomatology, Kidney disease, Evidence of validityAbstract
The purpose of the study was to seek validity evidence based on the relationship with external variables for the Hospital-Ambulatory Depression Baptist Scale (EBADEPHOSP-AMB). A total of 210 chronic kidney patients undergoing hemodialysis, aged 18- 82 years (M=53.40, SD=14.40), 112 (53.3%) males participated. A sociodemographic/health questionnaire was applied, along with the EBADEP-HOSPAMB, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Depressive Thoughts Scale (EPD). The applications occurred individually during the hemodialysis sessions. The relationship between the instruments was verified, besides possible differences of mean according to the sociodemographic variables. The main results indicated significant correlations of moderate to high magnitudes between the instruments. It was also observed that women and those who reported having a diagnosis of depression scored higher on most scales presenting more depressive symptomatology and depressive thoughts as well as anxiety.Downloads
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