Learning Styles Scale in Technology use situations: search for content validity evidences
learning style, technology, information technology, psychological assessment, test validityAbstract
This study aimed to search for evidence of content validity of the Learning Styles Scale in Technology use situations, a scale in development. For that, four judges working in the psychological assessment evaluated the 40 items of the scale, considering four learning styles: active, reflective, theoretical, and pragmatic, proposed by Alonso, Gallego and Honey (1997). Originally, most of the items (n=34) showed concordance rates above 75%, being satisfactory. Two new rounds of evaluation were conducted with the items that have been rewritten or replaced by new ones, and after this procedure reached the expected level of agreement. The analyzes showed Kappa coefficients indices above 0.75. The results showed the adequacy of the scale to the contents of the model that it intends to evaluate, being suitable for use in other studies involving empirical research of its psychometric qualities.Downloads
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