Characters strengths scale: relations with instruments to evaluate the affections and professional interests




Positive psychology, Positive and Negative Affections, Professional Orientation, College Students, Positive Characteristics


This research aimed to relate the constructs Character Forces, Affects, and Professional Interests in university students, using the instruments: Escala de Forças de Caráter (EFC), Escala de Afetos Zanon (EAZ), Escala de Aconselhamento Profissional (EAP), and a Socio-demographic Questionnaire. A total of 350 college students from different courses, aged between 17 and 53 (M = 22.57; SD = 5.96) participated in the study. The forces correlated positively with the positive affects and with the dimensions of interests, and Agrarian Sciences was the dimension with the highest correlations. Participants over the age of 19 have more Love for Learning, Perseverance, and Interests for Bureaucratic Activities. It is concluded that positive forces and affections can be related and used in a way to help the development of the positive characteristics of the individuals and that the relation of the forces with the dimensions can characterize possible personalities that show interest by a certain area.

Author Biographies

Bárbara de Paula Alves, Universidade São Francisco

Master in Psychology with an emphasis on Psychological Assessment by Universidade São Francisco.

Rodolfo Augusto Matteo Ambiel, Universidade São Francisco

PhD in Psychology from Universidade São Francisco. Professor of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology at Universidade São Francisco


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How to Cite

Alves, B. de P., & Ambiel, R. A. M. (2018). Characters strengths scale: relations with instruments to evaluate the affections and professional interests. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 9(2), 04–20.



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