Validity of Cloze as a reading comprehension assessment technique
Reading Comprehension, Writing, Elementary School, Psychoeducational Assessment.Abstract
The Cloze test has been used as a measure of reading comprehension, through the replacement of some missing words in a text by the reader. This study explored validity evidence in two texts based on the Cloze’s technique by correlating them with the Writing Evaluation Scale - EAVE, as well as exploring the differences in Cloze’s score and the performance of students’ subgroups, stablished according to the EAVE’s score. The participants consisted of 92 children from a public school in the state of Sao Paulo with ages ranging from 7 to 10 years. The instruments used were two texts based on Cloze’s technique and the EAVE. The results indicated a high and significant correlation between the texts and the EAVE, showing convergence between the constructs. In addition, the students with poorly performing on EAVE obtained the lowest average in cloze.Downloads
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