Scale for Assessment of Giftedness - teacher's version: evidence of validity content
test validity, special education, psychological assessment, kappa coefficientAbstract
The assessment of high abilities is of great importance in psychology, despite scarce studies in literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify, through content validity, the appropriateness of the items of the High Assessment Scale Skills - Teacher Version. The judges were six post-graduate students in the psychological assessment area who rated the 41 items of the instrument in six factors (academic intellectual ability, specific academic skills, leadership, creativity, artistic talent). The results demonstrated the suitability of the items, most of them with concordance rates above 80% (n = 29) and between 60 and 80% (n = 8). Only four items showed agreement at or below 50%, suggesting the need for reformulation. The analysis of the Kappa coefficients showed indices between 0.69 and 0.81. In general, the results indicated the suitability of the scale to the contents of the pretended model.Downloads
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