The challenge of to be psychotherapist: articulations between inspiration heideggerian and winnicottian clinical
psychotherapy, daseinsanalyse, Winnicott's clinicAbstract
The welcoming in the clinical psychology appeared as one of the greatest clashes in contemporary times. This paper intends to reflect the be psychotherapist a perspective approaching ourselves even more of experience of to lean front to suffering of another in a welcoming attitude Inspired by the central concepts of "care" in daseinsanalytic clinic and "holding" in Winnicott's thinking, we will search for elucidate the theme, detaching the ethical commitment this professional in the context of psychological clinic. To this, we will make a brief outline of the guiding characteristics of Daseinsanalyse and of the clinic in Winnicott's perspective, specifically highlighting the figure of the psychotherapist and its implications in relation to the other; We will propose to make possible bind off between these different looks, safeguarding the immediate experience of what for us representing your practice. In a last moment, we will point out that such articulations lead us to think beyond a psychological clinic to service of an adaptation to the social context.Downloads
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