Retirement preparation: intervention in a municipal public service
labor, retirement, professional development, development stagesAbstract
Work occupies a central place in human life, so that interventions about the work-retirement transition have been developed aiming at facilitating life-long professional development, especially at the disengagement stage. This study aimed to describe and analyze the results of a retirement preparation program (PPA). In four years of the program participated 122 people with average age of 57 years (SD = 1,52). The program was developed in eight meetings, in which the following topics like: financial life, entrepreneurship, health and aging, family, social life, socio-professional trajectory and future projects. Through self-assessments comparing the pre and post intervention situation, participants recorded relevant changes in feelings and internal resources to cope with work-retirement transition. Possibilities in order to improve the program and implementation of public policies for retirement and decent aging were pointed out, considering the Brazilian economic and social security scenario.
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