The role of supervision in the training of behavior therapists: Case study




supervision, training of therapists, therapeutic skills


The therapeutic process therapist requires skills that go beyond the theoretical and technical knowledge, the therapeutic relationship is a prerequisite for the success of behavioral psychotherapy variable. Supervision of clinical care is a fundamental skill development of the future therapist educational resource as well as to increase the supply conditions of a more appropriate psychotherapeutic customer service. The article reports on supervisory experience in the first client of a therapist in training showed behavioral patterns of aggression. The default client produced in therapist behaviors and feelings that hindered progress and therapeutic success. Supervision thus occupied a role in analyzing and modeling the behavior therapist as a strategy to increase the chances of success of the case. As a result of the strategies adopted in supervision, there were changes in the pattern of interaction between therapist and client training with his progress in the case.


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Author Biography

Raquel Martins Sartori, Centro Universitário de Votuporanga - UNIFEV

Master in Special Education from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar. Professora at UNIFEV


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How to Cite

Sartori, R. M. (2014). The role of supervision in the training of behavior therapists: Case study. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 5(1), 96–108.



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