Seeking quality scientific information for research in Psychology




bibliographical research, information retrieval, psychology - information sources


This report aims to present the researcher in Psychology techniques for search and retrieval of information for academic and science research. Is based on my experiences as university librarian and as a doctoral student in Psychology, in a project on scientometry of the Social Skills field.  This goal is to obtain information reliable and with quality to develop research, from sources of online information. Are recommended and described steps to the process of searching for scientific information, with examples from the Social Skills field: defining research topic; applying appropriate search tactics; selecting reliable sources of information and experts on the topic; translating research into the language of the information source; developing an effective search strategy; evaluating the quality and reliability of the obtained items. It is expected that by following these steps, the researcher obtain a coherent corpus with the subject, time saving and quality bibliographic.


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Author Biography

Eliane Colepicolo, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

PhD student in Psychology at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Master in Health Informatics from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP / EPM


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How to Cite

Colepicolo, E. (2014). Seeking quality scientific information for research in Psychology. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 5(2), 133–142.



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