Child and youth sexual violence: What do the documents from the court say?
sexual violence, risk factors, childhood and adolescenceAbstract
This article has as objectives to characterize the cases of sexual violence against children and adolescents found in the records of complaints, notices and prosecutions at the Child and Youth Court in the county of João Pessoa and to analyze the risks to the victims of such violence regarding the decisions, procedures and prosecutions that do not guarantee the protection and enforcement of fundamental rights. The instrument used to collect data was a research protocol analyzed by frequency and thematic content analysis. The risk factors are characterized among life circumstances that precede the sexual violence and are originated due to the referrals that happened after the complaint. 30 cases of sexual violence were found, most of them happened inside institutions under the State’s responsibility; there were also risk of negligence, exploitation and others forms of violence; lack of information in the documents about aggressor, complaint, referral and accountability. The procedures and prosecutions are not able to punish, educate or solve the issue and can cause damage to dignity, to the victims and their fundamental rights.Downloads
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