Psychoanalytic interventive psychodiagnosis
personality assessment, psychotherapeutic process, clinical psychology, psychoanalytic clinicAbstract
Interventive psychodiagnosis introduced changes in the clinical evaluation process mainly with regard to the stance and the interventions of the professional during procedures. Current paper registers the results obtained in research work with patients undergoing interventive psychodiagnosis, from a theoretical psychoanalytic investigation, so that the practical and theoretical specificities for the application of this method could be known. Studies were retrieved from electronic databases such as LILACS, Scielo, BVS-PSI and university libraries. The articles showed that patients attended to were benefitted by interventive psychodiagnosis, making it possible to construct their trajectory as agents of their own history. Psychoanalytic interventive psychodiagnosis is a method that allows the intuitive understanding of the unconscious through which the patients have the possibility of decreasing their mental suffering by a well-established holding within an adequate environment.Downloads
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