Evaluation of adherence to the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus: Literature review
adherence to treatment, literature review, type 1 diabetes mellitusAbstract
This work aimed to identify methods, objectives and type of studies that assessed adherence to the treatment of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, published from 2000 to 2013. We analyzed 111 articles, collected in the survey by the Web of Science database. The results indicated that 95 studies are descriptive, with prevalence of adolescents (74 studies) and children (34 studies). It was also found that those studies that have prevailed: Used an informer (67 studies), the carrier of the disease who reported more data (72 studies), evaluated one (35 studies) or five (25 studies) treatment medical, by means of an instrument (68 studies), being standardized instruments the most used procedures in this assessment (40 studies). Data leaded to the conclusion that the methods used to assess adherence, in the studies analyzed, do not comply with the suggestions made in Literature to make the results in adherence more reliable. Discussions about this subject need to be further developed.Downloads
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