Profile of interpesonal relations and social skills of Psychology undergraduates
undergraduates, psychology, psychological profileAbstract
This study the profile of Psychology undergraduates was compared to that of other undergraduates. Interpersonal relations and social skills were evaluated using the Checklist for Interpersonal Transactions-II (CLOIT-II) and the Social Skills Inventory (IHS). 153 students were studied in Belo Horizonte and surroundings. Significance of profile difference was evaluated using the Student's t-test. The results suggest that the profile of Psychology undergraduates can be characterized by more friendly relations, greater willingness to interact, showing less affection and having more social skills than other undergraduates. This lead to the conclusion that Psychology undergraduates perceive their interpersonal relations as adaptive to social models and their social skills as a little more apparent than undergraduates in other areas of studies.Downloads
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