Performativity in the four discourses
subject, performative, discourseAbstract
This paper intend to demonstrate that one of the consequences of the Lacan’s thesis according which the subject is constituted as an effect of the significant chain is that the Lacanian notion of language structure encompasses the inscription of the subject in a social link. Once the constitution of the subject by the language (S1-S2) produces a divided subject ($) and a residual called object a (a), we’ll see that this four terms are combined creating the four types discourse. In that way, the notions of alienation and separation are resumed, in order to emphasize that the discourse of the master can be extracted from these operations and be considered as the constitutive gesture of any social link. In order to reinforce that the Lacanian notion of structure of language encompasses the possibility of to produce a subject and the inscription in a social link, it is considered also the structuralist notion of language and the notion of performative formulated from the pragmatic philosophy of language.Downloads
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