Taxation in economics journals: a bibliometric study for the period 2006 to 2016
Taxation, Bibliometry, Fiscal policy, Scientific productionAbstract
This work seeks, through the bibliometrics methodology, to analyze the scientific production on taxation, as well as to understand how researchers were approached by the Brazilian tax system, in order to identify which aspects of taxation were most approached and how the researchers analyze the complex Brazilian tax system. The results showed that, between 2006 and 2016, an average of 10.3 articles were produced per year. In those studies, the researcher Nelson Leitão Paes deserves to be highlighted by the amount of research participation, about 19% of the articles’ production in the analyzed period. Regarding the themes, tax collection was the most approached, and regarding the functions of taxation, the allocative function of taxation was the most studied by the researchers, followed by the stabilizing function, which, was more approached than the distributive function.Downloads
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