Dutch disease and deindustrialization in Brazil: a review of the literature





Dutch Disease, Deindustrialization


This paper presents a theoretical-conceptual panorama that aims to correlate variables of deindustrialization, re-primarization of the export agenda with ducht disease. Systematic review methodology was used identifying and evaluating the databases studies integrated of Scientific Electronic Library Online and Periodicals Portal of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education, included in the systems up to the date of 02 March 2016, using the term "Dutch disease" and peer review as the selection criteria. Data collected allowed the identification of favorable arguments and negative arguments about Dutch disease presence in the Brazilian economy, as reported in the literature. Nevertheless, the results reveal that the databases used by the chains are distinct, which does not allow to state categorically whether there is or is not a Dutch disease in Brazil. As for the arguments favorable to the presence of the Dutch disease, there are theoretical lines that link the persistent appreciation of the national currency with the reprimarization of the export agenda, would trigger the deindustrialization of the economy. Regarding the arguments against the existence of the disease in Brazil, literature states that industrial jobs have remained stable, and the export pattern has not undergone any significant changes recently, the manufacturing industry maintained an average annual level of participation in the industry, Gross Domestic Product and the sectors of high and medium-high technology had significant growth.

Author Biography

Dalton Tria Cusciano, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV/SP

Doctoral student in Public Administration and Government at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV/SP.


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How to Cite

Cusciano, D. T. (2018). Dutch disease and deindustrialization in Brazil: a review of the literature. Economia & Região, 6(2), 141–155. https://doi.org/10.5433/2317-627X.2018v6n2p141


