Superman and the Reagan Conservative Turn

A Reflection on the Heroic Imaginary in the Political Culture of the United States (1978-1986)




Heroic imaginary, Conservatism, Ronald Reagan, Political ideology, Superman


This article explores how the American heroic imaginary influenced the conservative shift led by Ronald Reagan in 1980 and its relationship with the political ideology of the United States. The historical context of this period gave rise to a desire for a leader embodying heroic quality of determination and strength, contrasting with the perceived frailty associated with Jimmy Carter. Employing a historical-cultural approach, we delve into the significance of heroes and myths within American society. The American heroic imaginary is characterized by a moral division between good and evil, which finds its reflection in politics. The article draws from analyses of political speeches, election campaigns, media, comics, films, and specialized literature to illustrate the presence of the heroic imaginary within American political ideology. The interaction between the heroic imaginary and political ideology is viewed as a dynamic of mobilization, aspirational identification, and discursive-ideological feedback. The uniqueness of the study lies in analyzing the role of heroes in shaping the American political imaginary and the intricate relationship between heroic imaginary and political ideology. This contributes to understanding American politics within its social and cultural context, enriching the field of studies on the imaginary and politics. The rising popularity of Superman following Carter's presidency, catalyzed by the success of the movie "Superman" (1978), reflects not mere coincidence, but a conscious response to the spirit of the era. It represents a coordinated strategy by new players within the Republican Party, supported by business interests, to transform the political landscape both in the U.S. and globally.


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Author Biographies

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Bruno Leonardo Ramos Andreotti, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

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How to Cite

Miramontes Forattini, F., & Leonardo Ramos Andreotti, B. (2023). Superman and the Reagan Conservative Turn: A Reflection on the Heroic Imaginary in the Political Culture of the United States (1978-1986). Domínios Da Imagem, 17(33), 138–171.



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