


Material Culture, Chocolate, Consumption, Chocolate Pot.


In this article, we will analyze the trajectories of the chocolate pot, in the contexts of popularization of hot chocolate and the move of the Portuguese Royal Court to Brazil. We will try to understand how happened the transition from cocoa to chocolate product. Without presenting the Portuguese Court as a propagator of luxury, cosmopolitanism or new consumption habits, this text signals the centrality of colonial spaces for the sophistication of ordinary goods that supported the construction of a “European consumer culture”, throughout the XIX century. We will argue that these artifacts created an infusion between the cocoa and a conception of chocolate. These mechanisms involved the determinations of the States, the cognitive operations of people and the materiality of the objects.

Author Biography

Rosângela Ferreira Leite, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP - campus Guarulhos

Doctoral in Economic History from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), SP, Brazil. Associate Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Guarulhos, SP, Brazil.


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