Photographic images about authority and student manifestations against cuts in education in cities of Goiania and Lonrina 15 may 2019


  • Gledson Rodrigues Nascimento Universidade Nacional de Brasília



Photographic Images, May 68, Student Manifestations- May 15 2019, Netnography.


In this text, we seek to build, through photographic images, part of what happened in the student manifestation, which took place on May 15, 2019, in several Brazilian cities, against the cut in education resources. We think that this fact resembles what happened on the “May 68” in Paris, so we gathered some facts and images that helped in its reverberation in Brazil, still in 1968. The purpose is to show how the student position influences revolutionary and transgressor behavior of those who fight for change, whenever the intention of favoring the masses with revolutionary dreams becomes an ideal to promote rights for students and society. Methodologically, we will use resources such as netnography, virtual ethnography, and online digital collections, in addition to the contributions of Dubois (2004). Considering the acts of focusing, framing and triggering the space and time clipping device, to show how the demonstrations were in the cities of Goiânia-GO and Londrina-PR, on May 15, 2019.


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Author Biography

Gledson Rodrigues Nascimento, Universidade Nacional de Brasília

Master in Visual Art and Culture, from the Universidade Federal de Goiás- UFG - Goiânia - GO. PhD student in Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade Nacional de Brasília - UNB, DF.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, G. R. (2020). Photographic images about authority and student manifestations against cuts in education in cities of Goiania and Lonrina 15 may 2019. Domínios Da Imagem, 13(25), 133–157.



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