Photographs as representation of rationalization for the training of the small worker
Photography. SENAI. Vocational educationAbstract
The use of photographic images by historians has allowed us to carry out renovating works within history, be it education, health or science. The objective of this research is to present the photographs as possibilities of new researches and new analyzes in future works, on professional education in Paraná. Understanding that each historical moment produces representations that can be analyzed by the historian and that can propitiate other versions of the subject to historiography, we propose the presentation of the formation of young apprentices through photographic images in the school of the National Service of Industrial Learning (Senai) in Curitiba , Between the 1950s and 1980s. Photographs that are mostly produced by unidentified photographers and / or contracts by SENAI present moments of the process of training apprentices in the institutional perspective, and may give rise to other perspectives of analysis.Downloads
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