Fanciful incursions: primitive modernism in the art of Willy Zumblick, 1973
Wily Zumblick, Art. Academic, Modernist, Primitivism.Abstract
The plastic artist Wily Zumblick was awarded by the Santa Catarina media, during the second half of the twentieth century, to contemplate in his paintings the cultural diversity and some episodes of his State's history. His biographies also approach some styles used by the painter; but they offer a few references related to the circumstances that influenced his choices. In his artistic set, there are both academic and modernist paintings. However, a collection of about hundred paintings draws the attention because it was painted in a primitivist modernist style. Due to the scarcity of information about this set, this paper intends to understand the circumstances that contributed to the production of the primitivist paintings of Wily Zumblick in 1973. This texts was developed based on a research and analyses of the bibliography of the artist, as well newspaper articles and images of his paintings.Downloads
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