Images constellations: metaphors and essays




Imaginary, Image constellations, Photography.


This article presents reflections on the methodological contributions of Aby Warburg’s image constellation metaphor proposing critical approaches to two recent exhibitions: 'Dear Aby Warburg, what can be done with images? Dealing with photographic materials' and ‘Atlas: How to carry the world on one’s back?’ From these initial references the article moves to some graphic and three-dimensional essays developed at the convergence of the authors’ researches, with the support of CNPq and FAPESP, respectively, both gathered at RITe - CNPq Research Group - Representations: Imaginary and Technology. These experiments investigate images dispositions and frameworks as an experimental field to establish, present and test hypotheses, thereby building knowledge about visual phenomena.


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Author Biographies

Artur Simões Rozestraten, Universidade de São Paulo

PhD Professor at  Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidade de São Paulo.

Paula Brazão Gerencer, Universidade de São Paulo

Graduation - FAPESP IC Scholarship. Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Rozestraten, A. S., & Gerencer, P. B. (2016). Images constellations: metaphors and essays. Domínios Da Imagem, 10(19), 87–112.



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