Images of women in the Brazilian communist press (1945/1957)
Image, Representation, Women, Brazilian Comunist Press.Abstract
The Brazilian Comunist Press, under the legality of the Brazilian Comunist Party in 1945, started to count on various newspapers, magazines, romances and handouts, among other kinds of companies. In their publications, many image resources were used such as: ilustrations, prints, caricatures, charges and comics. Such images, as well as the texts, are interesting means of historical evidences, because their representations bring marks of a determinned period, group or society. The presence of female images verified in comunist publications exposes the importance of this segment for the PCB project. In this article, the constant thematics presented in the visual art from the pages of comunist newspapers which focus on women are analised. The emphasis on women’s daily drawings showing their routine problems and the focus on the necessity of a better organization among them are commented. It is observed that, starting from their expressive figure of sadness and discourage in face of the difficulties contrasted with the images of socially integrated women, the party aimed to cause refletion and awarness on women so they would act.Downloads
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