The Bella Vista de Barquisimeto cemetery: urbanity, progress and funerary art (late 19th century and first half 20th century)


  • Francisco Camacho Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA
  • Nubia Castañeda Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA



Cementerio de Bella Vista, Barquisitemo’s elites, Funerary art, Iconography.


The graveyard of Bella Vista de Barquisimeto, Venezuela, although unforgivably abandoned to its fate by local and national authorities (and also by citizens), is the unique space of funerary art in the city. Created at the end of the XIX century according to the health’s criteria held by positivist science by then, that intended to control burial sites under the power of State instead of the Church, Bella Vista is a scenario of the civilized urbanity that conceived a necropolis with a spatial distribution similar to the city of livings, keeping the center of the cemetery to pantheons and monuments of families with privileged social status. In this place, it’s buried several of elites’ members that, during the final of XIX century until the first half of XX century, had the social control in a period of transition from an agro exporter Venezuela to an oil producer Venezuela. With neoclassic style, pieces are especially made of fine Italian marble, and were inspired by biblical passages and characters.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Camacho, Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA

MSC in History - Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA

Nubia Castañeda, Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA

Msc in History - Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA


ALCALDÍA del Municipio Iribarren. Asociación Civil Camposantos de Lara. Rescate del Camposanto Bella vista. 2004. Folleto.

ARRÁEZ Bellys. Historia Familiar. Entrevistada por Nubia Castañeda. 2009.

BURKE, Peter. Visto y no visto. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001.

CARABALLO, Ciro. Cementerio Bella Vista. Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1999.

DIARIO Eco Industrial. Barquisimeto, n. 1920, 1904.

METZ, Christian. Más allá de la analogía, la imagen. In: Análisis de las imágenes. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Buenos Aires S.A., 1970.

QUERALES, Ramón. Cementerios de Barquisimeto, t. I, p. 19, 1996. Folleto.

REGISTRO Principal de Barquisimeto. Libro de Actas de Defunciones. 1883-1884. Folio 283.



How to Cite

Camacho, F., & Castañeda, N. (2014). The Bella Vista de Barquisimeto cemetery: urbanity, progress and funerary art (late 19th century and first half 20th century). Domínios Da Imagem, 7(13), 69–79.