Flood in Northeast: humanizing news on photo coverage at Folha de S. Paulo
Folha de S.Paulo, Dernando Donasci, photojournalism, analytical deconstruction, humanizing news.Abstract
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> This article analyses the photographic coverage of northeast Brazilian coast flood done by the photographic reporter Fernando Donasci and published by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, from May 18th to 25th. It aims to evaluate the photographer intentionality when capturing each image using an analytical deconstruction proposed by Boni (2000). The analytical deconstruction – identification and conceptualization of technical resources and elements of photographic language – enables the approach of communication intentionality on the photographic act. Along with the analysis, it was strongly connoted that Fernando Donasci used strong colors and appreciated the human element on the search for humanizing news.
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