
  • Zenildo Bodnar UNIVALI
  • Taina Spadoa Vidi UFSM
  • Paola Gabriele Inda Teixeira UFSM



Judicialization, Notary Minutes, Evidence, Civil Procedure, Arbitration.


This article assesses the possibility of using notarial acts as an evidential instrument at the arbitration level, through the observation of the phenomenon of judicialization and, consequently, the verification of arbitration as an opportunity to stimulate speed and efficiency in resolving social demands. To this end, it intends to investigate whether the public faith emanated by the notary increases the admission of notary minutes as evidence in the arbitral proceedings. It uses the deductive approach method, the functionalist procedure method and the bibliographic research technique. As a result, there is that legal certainty, which is inherent to notarial activity, and the notary's public faith confer legitimacy so that notary minutes can be widely admitted and used as evidence by the arbitral tribunals. This attitude allows the procedure to gain speed, since it is a test with a presumption of authenticity and veracity, in addition to being seen as a contribution to the dejudicialization of lawsuits.

Author Biographies

Zenildo Bodnar, UNIVALI

Graduated in Law from the State University of Ponta Grossa, Master in Legal Science from the University of Vale do Itajaí, Master in Urbanism, History and Architecture of the City, PhD in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, PhD in Human Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Post Doctorate in Environmental Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Post Doctorate in Environmental Law at the University of Alicante - Spain. Professor in the Doctorate and Master's programs in Legal Science at the University of Vale do Itajaí. He was a Federal Judge, including at the Florianópolis Environmental Court and is currently a Real Estate Registrar

Taina Spadoa Vidi, UFSM

Graduating in Law from the Federal University of Santa Maria. Clerk at the Real Estate Registry of Santa Maria. Member of the UFSM Arbitration Team.

Paola Gabriele Inda Teixeira, UFSM

Graduating in Law from the Federal University of Santa Maria. Clerk at the Real Estate Registry of Santa Maria. Member of the UFSM Arbitration Team.


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How to Cite

Bodnar, Z., Spadoa Vidi, T., & Inda Teixeira, P. G. (2021). NOTARIAL MINUTES AS MEANS OF PROOF IN ARBITRATION. Revista Do Direito Público, 16(1), 202–216.


